The Art of Numbers: Demystifying Key Business Metrics(KPI)

Onur Uğur
2 min readApr 15, 2024


Welcome to the world of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), the heartbeat of any business. Let’s unpack these with simplicity and clarity.

🎯 Conversion Rate: Imagine a bustling bazaar. Out of a hundred window-shoppers, if ten make a purchase, your magic number is 10%. That’s your conversion rate — simple as that!

🔄 Churn Rate: Think of your business as a ship. Customers are your passengers. If you start with 100 and 5 walk the plank this month, you’ve got a 5% churn rate. Keep them aboard, Captain!

🔁 Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR): Your revenue’s rhythm, repeating like your favorite song’s chorus every month. Multiply the number of subscribers by the average subscription fee, and you’ve got a melody that investors love to hear.

💡 User Retention Rate: It’s like a loyalty meter. If you had 100 customers, gained 10 new ones, but the counter reads 95 at the end, your retention rate is playing at 85%. Loyalty wins!

💵 Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Imagine a customer named Joe. Joe’s monthly spendings with you, divided by the chance he’ll say goodbye, gives you Joe’s worth over time. Higher the number, happier your story with Joe.

💰 Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): Ever wonder what the price tag is for wooing new clients? Add up your wooing expenses (marketing/sales), divide by the number of hearts won (new customers), and voilà! That’s what love costs in the business world.

Numbers aren’t just cold hard facts. They tell stories, guide strategies, and make a good tale for growth. Stay tuned for our visual storytellers — the graphs and images that’ll make these numbers pop!

And remember, behind every percentage and every calculation, there’s a story waiting to be told. Keep tracking, keep growing!



Onur Uğur

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